About Us

About Guardian

Guardian is a purpose built managed cloud and infrastructure security service proovider that focuses on protecting our clients’ data and ensuring its availability around the clock.

Hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, 3rd party data centers, corporate data centers. Thanks to the cloud and cool network layer technology, corporate infrastructures have become like the Aspen forest. Despite being a collection of individual “trees”, infrastructure elements create one living breathing home to your corporate data. And that’s how Guardian approaches delivering services.


Acting as a single-pane view into your entire IT ecosystem, Guardian unleashes resilience with vendor-neutral expertise and proactive offense for complete hybrid IT environment security.

We’re Organic

What that means for you:  Uncompromised Expertise

Guardian began as a data center, managed infrastructure and cloud advisory firm. Working with both service providers and end users alike, we have always focused solely on complete visibility into infrastructure, security and compliance.

We’ve Reimagined Managed Security


What that means for you: Uncommon Approach

A modern hybrid IT ecosystem is one organism with interconnected elements, so a single cloud vendor or product can’t possibly secure the entire environment. That’s why Guardian has re-imagined security. Our services are sculpted to respect this interconnectivity, ensuring the intricate web of an IT ecosystem is a bastion of security for valuable data.

We’re Vendor-neutral


What that means for you: Untethered Execution

As the free thinkers of IT operations, Guardian champions a vendor-neutral approach, liberating businesses from the constraints of single-vendor solutions. This freedom allows our clients to leverage tailored, best-in-class security strategies, ensuring agility, compliance and optimal protection in all their endeavors.

We’re Full-service

What that means for you: Unlimited Potential

Discover the power of getting back to business. With Guardian fighting the good fight, your teams can focus on resource optimization, more productive collaboration and faster innovation.

The Founders

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith


Jarret Hinrichs

Jarret Hinrichs


Cam Brown

Cam Brown